Friday, April 11, 2014

The birth of a mid-life crisis

Call it an epiphany, or being touched by a muse, or whatever you want to call it, but the day Julie and I realized that the clock was ticking on our 30's.  There was so much we hadn't done!  We weren't ready!  Then it dawned on me that there are 9 months between my 39th birthday and her 40th, and the idea of a scheduled mid-life crisis took form.  We called it our 'baby'. 

For months we compiled lists of things we really wanted to do.  Then we had a hilarious delirious meeting (which is how our meetings always end up) and realized that we would need about a kabillion and a private jet to achieve everything on our lists.  After narrowing it down, we've come up with some crazy shenanigans including, but not limited to riding the sling-shot, going on a zipline, and meeting someone famous.

Oh, and then there are the beard pictures.  I don't know how the beard picture idea was exactly born, but we decided that we needed to convince everyone we can with a beard to let us take a picture of them with the little plastic zombies that go everywhere with us.  Oh, it's happening.

Follow along and see what craziness we come up with!  

Living life,

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